LASER Forum Essen
Centre for cosmetic and aesthetic laser therapy

  • Modern lasers of the newest generation
  • Our treatments are not performed by assistants
  • Experienced therapist with continuous further training since 1997
  • Treatment also available Friday afternoons and Saturdays
  • Exclusive use of procedures which are scientifically recognised and found effective
  • Reasonable prices for treatment - &affordable for most
  • Pay us a direct visit - no referral slip required
  • Uncomplicated, professional treatment for better-looking skin

LASER Forum Essen
Gesellschaft für kosmetische Lasertherapie
und Hautbildverbesserung mbH
Theaterplatz 1 (across from the Grillo Theater)
45127 Essen-Zentrum
Tel.: 0201/18 92 998,  Fax: 0201/24 26 830

What is possible with laser treatment?

Good looks are not only a boost for one’s self-confidence: they can often be an important factor in career advancement and success.

Every person likes to feel comfortable in his "own skin". Inner harmony, self-confidence and productivity at work are intimately connected to our feelings about our appearance.

But what should a person do, for example, if their face is marred by small red veins, or if they have ugly age spots on the back of their hands?  Nowadays, there are well-tested laser treatment methods for improving almost all unflattering skin defects.

The following list includes the most proven and effective methods of aesthetic laser therapy for the skin:

  • Laser treatment for removal of age spots
  • Removal of freckles and pigmentation spots
  • Treatment for excess pigmentation of scar tissue
  • Original laser treatment for permanent hair removal
  • Removal of tattoos  (professionally applied or otherwise)
  • Laser treatment for removal of interspersed foreign particles
  • Laser treatment for removal of spider veins
  • Removal of small red facial veins = telangiectasias
  • Removal of "strawberry marks" = hemangiomas
  • Improved skin appearance in cases of rosacea and other erythemas
  • Laser treatment for removal of red pregnancy stretch marks
  • Removal of angiomas and hemangiomas

What is the treatment like?

Every laser treatment begins with a thorough preliminary interview in which the planned treatment is fully explained and the chances of a successful outcome realistically described. In addition, the possible side effects of the treatment are discussed in detail. 

After the preliminary interview, a precise therapeutic plan is developed. In many cases, a short test treatment can be helpful in determining the parameters for the most effective treatment with the fewest side effects, to be used during the complete course of treatments.
To avoid damaging the skin, and for treatment of larger areas, it is often advisable or necessary to administer the treatment in several sessions.

One treatment is often not enough. The number of treatments and the time intervals between them should be determined during the preliminary interview.

In most cases, the laser treatment is not overly painful. If the pain in certain cases becomes intolerable, the skin can be pre-treated with an epidermal anaesthetic cream, which is available without prescription at chemists’ shops.

Post-treatment is necessary for all laser treatments, at least in the form of sunscreen protection for several weeks afterward.  The various laser treatment methods each require that attention be paid to certain things after treatment, as explained in detail during the preliminary interview.

Cost and price of laser treatment

The cost of laser treatment generally depends upon the size of the area to be treated. The price is determined on an individual basis.

The configuration and distribution of age spots is different in every individual. Every tattoo is individual in terms of its size and degree of filled-in area.  Everyone has individual patterns of hair growth on various parts of the body.  And so on...
For this reason, we have no standard price list, but rather negotiate individual prices for each patient.

The essential basis for a subsequent laser therapy is the thorough and informative preliminary interview. This discussion includes prerequisites for treatment, the treatment itself, the outline and scope of the therapeutic plan, as well as the required post-treatment measures. An important aspect is the explanation of the possible side effects of the treatment.

The preliminary interview is structured in such a way as to provide the client with comprehensive information, leaving no questions unanswered. It usually lasts about 30 minutes, but may in some cases go over 40 minutes.  For this reason, it is considered a non-trivial service, for which a fee of  EUR 28,-  is charged.  As an extra service, we do offer a short, free-of-charge "Anschautermin" during which the essentials are briefly presented. 

Appointments for the comprehensive interview or for the shorter, cost-free demonstration may be made by telephone at  0201 / 18 92 998. 

The range of treatments offered by the LASER Forum Essen consists entirely of cosmetic therapies, meaning that the clients themselves must pay for the treatments.  Since no diseases are being treated, the public and private health insurers will not pay.  The actual price of treatment depends upon the individual case and shall be determined during the preliminary interview.  However, it is no longer the case that only a few wealthy people can afford laser therapy.  As it says on our homepage:  "affordable for most".

The ARION long-pulse alexandrite laser for permanent hair removal

The light with a wavelength of 755 nm (pure red light) easily penetrates the top layers of skin and is absorbed by the pigment cells of the hair follicles and converted to heat. A sufficient degree of warmth in this area results in a local coagulation, rendering the hair follicle inactive. 
The coupling of the laser light is selective for dark pigmentation, so the results are better for darker hair. It is important to note that the hair follicles are susceptible to damage only during the active growth phase, so that several treatments are required over a period averaging between 9 and 12 months. (The facial area, for example, should receive 4 to 6 treatments.) The treatments are generally not overly painful.

Many other permanent hair-removal therapies, such as electro-epilation as well as other types of laser treatments are generally reported to be significantly more painful. Our laser cools the skin using a cold air blower parallel to the laser pulses.  This is an uncomplicated and very effective way to cool and protect the epidermis, rendering unnecessary the application of topical cooling gel, which is often experienced as rather unpleasant.

Some comments on the recent IPL discussion:

  • IPL (Intensive Pulse Lights) is not new!  There were comparable machines called "Photoderm" already in use in 1997/98.
  • Only laser technology can strengthen light to have the required energy density (energy per unit surface area).
  • Only lasers can guarantee that no ultraviolet radiation reaches the skin.
  • Our recommendation: choose the right option from the start and use only laser treatment for permanent hair removal.
  • Dermatologists also recommend laser hair removal. Their main argument is that only one wavelength is used, namely pure red light, so that there is no danger of ultraviolet or x-ray radiation from hair removal lasers.
  • Laser therapists are required to have professional liability insurance to cover clients’ claims  in the unlikely case of the "unthinkable".


The KTP-laser (potassium-titanyl-phosphate) AURA for the removal of small red veins, strawberry marks, spider veins, etc.

The short light impulse with a wavelength in the green part of the visible spectrum (532 nm) easily penetrates the top layer of skin. The energy is absorbed by the red-coloured hemoglobin in the blood.  The blood vessels are thus briefly heated, causing them to coagulate and shrivel up permanently. This effect takes place only in blood vessels smaller than a certain threshold diameter.
In the past, treatments with dye lasers resulted in extreme blue discolouration in the treated areas. This was, of course, a problem for many clients, especially those with facial discolouration. The KTP laser produces no blue discolouration and the successful outcome of the treatment can be seen much sooner. Minor problems can be treated in the course of a single session. For deep-seated defects or larger areas of skin, several treatment sessions may be necessary. The heat induced in the targeted blood vessels by the individual pulses of light  cause a short pain which in most cases is within a tolerable range.

The Q-switched ruby laser SINON, for the removal of pigmentation spots and tattoos.

This ruby laser represents a new generation of Q-switched lasers in which, after a long period of development, a significantly shorter pulse duration has been achieved. One pulse of the red light lasts about 0.000000015 seconds!  The extremely short pulse means that thermal effects are scarcely noticeable, making this therapy quite "skin-friendly".  The SINON can be used to treat special cases of pigmentation spots, age spots, tattoos and permanent make-up, removing them without damaging the skin. 
The tedious post-treatment cooling of the skin is no longer necessary.  Since the skin experiences almost no stress, the laser can operate at a higher energy intensity. This in turn means that fewer treatments are required with SINON than with former types of lasers.

Location and structure of the LASER Forum Essen

The LASER Forum Essen is situated in the heart of the Ruhr region, in the centre of downtown Essen, in the area of Kettwiger Strasse, the Lichtburg cinema and the Grillo theatre.  The address is "Theaterplatz 1", across from the Grillo playhouse, in the 5th floor. It is easy to get to, whether by automobile or with public transportation. The walk from Essen’s main train station is only ca. 180 m.

The LASER Forum Essen is run by Mr. Holger May, Dipl.-Phys. MInstP, a trained medical physicist and health practitioner. Mr May finished his graduate degree in physics in 1993 and continued his education from 1994 to 1997 at the university in Kaiserslautern, studying medical physics and technology. He received his degree as a medical physicist with two major areas of specialisation - medical radiation physics and medical laser physics. Alongside many additional qualifications, his studies provided him training as a laser safety officer.  From early 1997 until the end of 2001, Mr. May was employed at a medical laser centre, where he conducted the ruby laser and dye laser treatments. He also worked in venal diagnostics, carrying out examinations using light reflexion rheography and Doppler sonography.  In addition, Mr. May worked in the area of dermatological screening, carrying out full-body videomicroscopy examinations for melanomas and consulting with patients about their findings.
In 2002, Holger May opened the LASER Forum Essen in downtown Essen.  In 2005, he passed the qualification exam for Essen’s public health department to become a licensed health practitioner. With a professional experience encompassing over 69,528 treatments, Mr. May is eminently qualified to evaluate the wide range of treatment prerequisites. In the course of his professional career, Mr. May has authored or co-authored eight scientific papers relating to medical and aesthetic laser therapy.

Holger May, Dipl.-Phys. MInstP, is a member of the following scientific organisations:

  • Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG) = German physics society
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für medizinische Physik (DGMP) = German medical physics society
  • The Institute of Physics (IOP) of Great Britain
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Lasermedizin (DGLM) = German society for laser medecine
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Wundheilung und Wundbehandlung (DGfW) = German society for healing and treatment of skin lesions

Through regular participation in conferences, symposia and workshops, Mr. May is conscientious about keeing up with the latest developments in medical and aesthetic laser therapy.

The medical consultant for LASER Forum Essen is dermatologist Frau Dr. B. Engemann.  She has many years of experience in the day-to-day running of a dermatological practice. In addition, she has carried out laser skin-treatments on a regular basis since 1999, using various machines, including CO2  and Erbium:YAG lasers for skin smoothing and wrinkle removal.

Our professional cosmetologist, Frau Gülnaz Wolter is responsible for the "perfect skin through professional cosmetics" department. Under the name "Kosmetik am Grillo", her facial treatments include cleansing, acne treatment, enzyme peeling, and amber peeling, as well as thalassotherapy, eyebrow plucking and colouring, and even special facial treatments for men. The body therapies range from the standard neck and décolleté treatment, aroma therapy for back pain, and skin tightening treatments for the legs and bottom, to herbal pouch massage. The area known as "Dekoration" includes manicures and various make-ups.  In addition to classical massage techniques, Frau Wolter also performs esoteric massages such as Pantai-LuarR Limu-Nui, hot-stone, or Chocoa massage. 
Cosmetologist Gülnaz Wolter also works for the LASER Forum Essen as an assistant in the cosmetic department.  She went to the vocational school for holistic cosmetology of Dr. med Christine Schrammek and is a specialist for Green-PeelR herbal deep peeling treatment.

Other assistants at LASER Forum Essen are Nadine Eschbach, Heike Mersch, Ayse Bayhan, Denise Rudnick, and Carmen Schmelting. 

Business hours:
Monday - Friday:
9:00 am until ca. 7:00 pm
10:00 am until ca. 4:00 pm

Call us directly:
Telephone: 0201 / 18 92 998

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Mo. - Fr.
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Dipl. May

Herr Dipl.-Phys. Holger May ist als ausgebildeter Medizinphysiker und Laserexperte verantwortlich und leitend für das LASER Forum Essen tätig.

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